Microbiological differentiation of the different zones of the vineyard land and the wines produced there. Relationship between soil, vineyard and wines processed from each zone so as to characterize and determine qualitative differences among different types of wines. This study falls within the framework of the sustainability strategy set by the company, whose parcels are ascribed, following a reconversion process, to the winegrowing practices inherent to integrated production, without using any phytosanitary products or chemically-synthesized fertilizers. Similarly, the company is aiming to limit the use of sulfur dioxide to the absolutely essential minimum at the winery, making a thorough knowledge of the microbiotas existing in grapes and wines necessary.
Several institutions are collaborating in carrying out this project. The microbiological soil study is being conducted at the hand of the Complutense University of Madrid, the Polytechnical University of Madrid plus the collaboration of the Public University of Navarre.
The other major aspect of this project is the study of the fermentation mocrobiota with the collaboration of the Complutense University of Madrid, Agrovin, the Autonomous Community of Castile and Leon Technological Institute of Agriculture (ITACyL) and the University of Valencia.