
Study of new factors related to soil, plant and oenological microbiota that influence the acidity balance of wines and their quality assurance and stability in hot climates

Objective: LowpHWine is an R&D+i consortium project whose general purpose is to study and validate scientific-technological solutions to regulate and/or control the increase in pH of Spanish wines under current climate change conditions, working on the soil, plant-wine trinomial. Given the complexity of this objective, a unique or single solution is not expected, but rather a combination of solutions that together will combine to combat the problem of acidity.

Partners: Pago de Carraovejas (project leader), Bodegas Roda, Atens, Productos Agrovin, Bodegas Barbadillo, Vitis Navarra, Fertinagro Biotech and Hoyada de los Lobos-Milsetentayseis-.

Collaborating entities: Universidad Complutense in Madrid, Universidad Politécnica in Madrid, Universidad de León, Universidad Pública in Navarra, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Centro Tecnológico del Vino (VITEC), Instituto de la Vid y del Vino (ICVV), Instituto de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria (IRTA) and Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura (CEBAS-CSIC).

The project has the financial support of the CDTI (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology) within the CIEN programme.